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The privileged position of the social insurance funds is highlighted by the accreditation they are granted by the Minister of Middle Classes.


To be accredited, a social insurance fund must be set up under the form of a non-profit making association by a representative employers' organisation. Article 95 of the Royal Decree d.d. 19.12.1967 gives a description of this kind of organisation.

Their statutes must provide for the execution of the tasks imposed to them within the statute of the self-employed workers.
At the time of accreditation, the social insurance fund must have at least 10,000 affiliates.


» ACASTI – VSVZ - Association of Social Insurance Funds for Self-employed Persons
   Rue d'Accolay straat 40 - 1000 Brussel
   T. 02/230.27.23 - F. 02/230.14.57 vsvz@synergie4.be
     Copyright DMenP